Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Laser Etched MacBook Pro

Today I etched my MacBook Pro, with a Laser.

First off, Huge thanks to the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and to the wonderful people here who let me do this. Currently here for a bit over the summer, at a program called Operation Catapult.

While working here I asked if I could use the Pinnacle laser etcher to etch my MacBook Pro, and they said yes.

Firstly I edited the image in Photoshop and then over to Illustrator to turn it into vector art, out to a high resolution BMP, and off to the laser's computer.

After that, the image was scaled and put into place, my MacBook Pro's borders were put into the computer and then the machine had to think for a little while. But after that a sheet of construction paper was laid down to test out the image and to make sure everything was ok to go onto my laptop for forever.
(Sorry its so blurry)

The trial went very well so my MBP was loaded into the machine and off it went.

Another Final pic, I love looking at this.

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