Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bridge Deux

So I would have had the bridge broken and status on how it fared reported, but the region experienced an ice storm. All daily activities were put on hold for a few days. This gave me a chance to test my bridge and I'm glad I did because the results were mediocre, at best.

Seeing the failures of the last bridge I made a second one, made many improvements, and it could even be mistaken as a bridge to boot. This new bridge has two "logs" again but they are laid like bricks to form a wall of sorts, then at the top two toothpicks broken in half give the structure stability.

The new breaking date is set for tomorrow, the second of February, results to follow.

UPDATE: The bridge was broken today, the second of Feb. On the way into the building it was damaged and two of the top support rods were severed, resulting in only a 607% efficiency. I am going to rebuild the supports, and try again. I believe it can hold much more as the main supports were in perfect condition, even after the force of the breaking.

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