Tuesday, February 23, 2010

16 Step Sequencer, The M1.

Just a few photo's showing the M1. Its a 16 step sequencer, with a one octave keyboard.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I decided to make tofu today.

After realizing how simple it was, and the alleged taste benefits, I couldn't resist making this simple dish.

*Soy Milk (Store bought non-flavored, or make your own *soon-to-be-here-diy-link...* are both great sources)
*A Coagulant (I used Epsom salt aka Magnesium Sulfate. Nigari aka Magnesium Chloride is the traditional coagulant.)

*Pans and Stove
*Heavy and Dense object(s)

Take 1/2 Gallon of Soy milk and pour it into a pan and heat on medium until simmering. Stir occasionally.While this is coming to a boil prepare a tablespoon of Epsom salt by dissolving it in a glass of water.
Let the Soy Milk simmer for a few moments. I also raised the heat a bit at this point as I think and have read that is helps. Add this mixture to the Soy Milk and stir until the mixture looks like this:
Time to filter and strain this mixture. I cut pieces of cheesecloth and placed them in a small strainer pan with excess cloth to fold over the top.

Pour in the mixture:Fold the excess cloth over the top and place a flat object on top, I used a bowl, and add a few pounds of weight, I added spaghetti sauce jar and a salsa jar.
Wait about 20 mins for the tofu to set and enjoy! I like really firm tofu so I let it set for about 30 mins, use less time if you prefer less firm tofu.

The Results:
It looks and tastes really good.
Store in water in the fridge for up to a week, enjoy!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oval Gears

The past two days I have been building Oval gears, with a laser etcher.

I found this at Thingiverse.com, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:205 . I decided to cut it out of acrylic with the laser cutter, because well I have one to use, for the time being. I downloaded the file included and fired the laser! This came out.

It was a prototype. The spacing on the brackets was too close together, and the whole thing would shatter violently... Yay for prototyping! I'm pretty sure the problem lied in the fact that the laser made too little waste and the teeth meshed together and stressed the whole brace. So trial and error (x30) later I came out with my working model. Lots of help from a wonderful man, Ronald Hofman. He has helped me tremendously throughout the whole process. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Laser Etched MacBook Pro

Today I etched my MacBook Pro, with a Laser.

First off, Huge thanks to the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and to the wonderful people here who let me do this. Currently here for a bit over the summer, at a program called Operation Catapult.

While working here I asked if I could use the Pinnacle laser etcher to etch my MacBook Pro, and they said yes.

Firstly I edited the image in Photoshop and then over to Illustrator to turn it into vector art, out to a high resolution BMP, and off to the laser's computer.

After that, the image was scaled and put into place, my MacBook Pro's borders were put into the computer and then the machine had to think for a little while. But after that a sheet of construction paper was laid down to test out the image and to make sure everything was ok to go onto my laptop for forever.
(Sorry its so blurry)

The trial went very well so my MBP was loaded into the machine and off it went.

Another Final pic, I love looking at this.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Today I made a stop-motion video of some brownies. Enjoy!

2 eggs

*I used melted clarified butter. They brownies would have been more "fluffy" with oil, but working with available resources is an aspect of DIY.

Nikon D50
Adobe Premiere Pro

**So Premiere Pro is completely overkill for a simple audio overlay into a video, but any will work. iStopMotion is a wonderful program that allows users to create stop-motion videos.

During the process of making brownies, I took photos during each step. I took 451 photos for 37 seconds of footage, this isn't a strict rate of photos per second, so play around. Trial and error is a large part of DIY, and if you really enjoy the project a lot of fun. Tip, take a lot of photos, more than you'll think you'll need, you can always remove photos or speed up the footage, very hard to add in more pictures.

After all the pictures were taken, I uploaded them into iStopMotion. From there I made a 37 second video and exported it over to Premiere Pro. Then I added in some fun music, and presto video done.

I Haven't Died

Content on the way, sorry for the outage.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Viola: Part 2

Well its playable now, well almost I need some sort of compound to keep the tuning pegs from slipping.

All I did was cut out the bridge, cut out a small block drilled some holes into it to act as a tail piece, and the shaped up the scroll. The block was just glued down to the top (all you violist may cringe at my weird design now). I have no idea what I'm doing, but this is ok. An important part to DIY is, trial and error. Go in with your best shot, and if it fails, try again with changes.

I don't know what it sounds like yet and wont be able to tell if its bad or good because I don't have a trained ear.

This brings me to another DIY point, ask your friends for help. Weather they have tools, knowledge, or skills, they can help you out. I have a good friend who plays the viola well and can tell me what needs work and what is ok, and its his opinion you'll be hearing here shortly on another post.

If this happens to make a pleasing sound, I will continue to sand and shape it, stain it, and put lacquer on it to make it pretty. A picture,