Sunday, February 8, 2009

Viola: Part 2

Well its playable now, well almost I need some sort of compound to keep the tuning pegs from slipping.

All I did was cut out the bridge, cut out a small block drilled some holes into it to act as a tail piece, and the shaped up the scroll. The block was just glued down to the top (all you violist may cringe at my weird design now). I have no idea what I'm doing, but this is ok. An important part to DIY is, trial and error. Go in with your best shot, and if it fails, try again with changes.

I don't know what it sounds like yet and wont be able to tell if its bad or good because I don't have a trained ear.

This brings me to another DIY point, ask your friends for help. Weather they have tools, knowledge, or skills, they can help you out. I have a good friend who plays the viola well and can tell me what needs work and what is ok, and its his opinion you'll be hearing here shortly on another post.

If this happens to make a pleasing sound, I will continue to sand and shape it, stain it, and put lacquer on it to make it pretty. A picture,

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